Interviews, forewords, translations
31 January 1979 | Literatura sem Gravata, RTP archives
Interview on the occasion of the premiere of D. Leonor, Rainha Maravilhosamente, at Teatro Municipal S. Luiz, in Lisbon (minute 27:40 — excerpts of this interview were included in the piece about the author in the RTP2 program Nada Será como Dante season 3 ep.1)
Full episode
00:40 — The Writer Day by day with Natália Correia
16:15 — To Read or Not to Read with Orlando Neves
27:40 — Theatre and Literature with Alice Sampaio
34:00 — Popular Literature with João David Pinto Madeira
The Best Japanese Short Stories, foreword by Alice Sampaio, Arcádia, 1967
La Bureaucratie, Edgar Morin et al., Socicultur, 1976 (in collab.)
Sexual Politics, Kate Millet, Publicações Dom Quixote, 1974 (in collab.)
Sociétés Animales, Société Humaine, Paul Chauchard, Europa-América, 1974
Le Hasard et la Nécessité, Essai sur la Philosophie Naturelle de la Biologie Moderne, Jacques Monod, Europa-América, 1970
Le Premier Homme, Jules Carles, Europa-América, 1970